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Let’s talk about loss…

One thing that occurs in my practice, time and time again, is ‘I need to get over this, other people have it so much worse than me’.  Let’s just stop and think about this; 1st of all, everybody has their issues and we are all unique with our own backgrounds and life experience.  Each experience […]

Is it possible to prepare for grief?

The one thing that working in a hospice teaches me, is how to live!  I would never have believed this before, but I very much believe that people go to hospices’ to live, not to die.  However, the one thing we are all aware of is the ever looming inevitable experience ahead,  but rather than […]


‘Hosted by the Mental Health Foundation, this year for Mental Health Awareness Week (14-20 May), we’re focusing on stress. Research has shown that two thirds of us experience a mental health problem in our lifetimes, and stress is a key factor in this.‘  (Mentalhealth.org, 2018) Stress plays such a huge roll in our ability to maintain […]

To rest or not to rest

After a long conference weekend and crazy work week, I woke up very tired and found myself feeling so groggy all day, all I wanted to do was sleep.  It got me thinking about my clients who often talk about ‘brain fog’, feeling generally unmotivated and sluggish.   I wonder how many people live their day-to-day […]

3 Tips for Developing Awareness

Awareness, it’s the topic of so much conversation at the moment and something that so many of us are so desperate for!  True awareness is hard to come by in a world that moves so fast and with everyone serving so many different intentions, it’s no wonder so many of my clients are experiencing such […]

Just breathe

How do busy people make  time for self-care?   If your life is anything like mine you have very little time for anything but chasing the diary. However, it is shown that even a few minutes of deep mindful breathing a few times a day will make a world of difference in maintain stress and anxiety […]