I cried the whole way home…not tears of sorrow (although saying goodbye always stings a little bit), but tears of utter gratitude for the work that I do and for the gift of time I get to spend with people.
There is no greater privilege than to be trusted enough to sit with someone at their most vulnerable and it is something that I respect and value so deeply.
So thank you dear client for your gratitude, although I think it is me that should be saying thank you! I am so proud of the work you have done and so honoured that I was able to sit with you through some of it.
An hour a week is such a little amount of time, when I think of all the other hours that you spend doing this hard work on your own between our sessions. The strength of people at their weakest astounds me and the human desire to continue to thrive in such difficult circumstances absolutely blows me away.
I feel so lucky…